California Poppy


CALIFORNIA POPPY (Eschscholzia californica)

Family: Papaveraceae

Parts commonly used: Flower, leaves, root, and seed pods

Properties/energetics: Sedative, hypnotic, antispasmodic, anodyne/Cool; bitter.

Systems predominantly affected: Nervous, digestive.

Uses: This California state flower is very beneficial for use with children. Where there is a problem with excitability, nervousness, and sleeplessness, it gives gentle sedative and hypnotic actions. Taken at night, it promotes restful sleep, and it is a good sedative to use on long plane or car rides to relieve jittery, stressed individuals, be they young or adult. It is appropriate to soothe burning, shooting pain associated with nerve damage. It is useful for its antispasmodic action when needed, and is helpful for treating the pain of stomach and gallbladder colic.

Combinations: Combines well with Chamomile for restlessness and insomnia, with Cramp Bark and Valerian for pain of cramping, and with St. John’s Wort for relieving sciatic pain and the radiating nerve pain of an infected tooth.

Affects on specific body types: California Poppy is beneficial to all types to help take the edge off the pain and discomfort of stomach cramps, bruised muscles, toothache, and so on. The mild nature of this plant, along with its reliable anti-anxiety, sedative, and pain-relieving abilities, position it an exceptionally well-designed ally for the Seer-dominant individual, who can often be troubled by anxiety, nervousness, insomnia, and skin hypersensitivity.

Preparations/dosage: The green seed pods possess the strongest properties, but use the fresh (undried) whole plant including the roots. Infusion: 1 cup as needed. Tincture: 30 to 40 drops two to five times a day or as needed.

By James Green, Herbalist, copyright 2008

For more information please refer to James Green’s book, The Male Herbal, 2nd Edition