
RASPBERRY (Rubus idaeus)

Family: Rosaceae

Parts commonly used: Leaf and fruit.

Properties/energetics: Astringent, tonic, antispasmodic/Cool, dry; bitter, astringent (leaves). Slightly warm; sweet, sour, astringent (fruit).

Systems predominantly affected:  Genitourinary tract, digestive, eyes.

Uses: This is one of the most renowned herbal teas for strengthening and toning the female reproductive organs. Likewise, Raspberry leaf renders the same nutrients and tonic virtues to the male reproductive system, strengthening the organs and relieving bladder and prostate irritation. Raspberry is an effective, pleasant tea for treating acute stomach problems and for preventing and treating fever diseases such as colds and flu, and it’s especially safe and reliable for children. It is an effective astringent for treating diarrhea and a reliable tonic for the bowels. It also cleanses and heals canker conditions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, and stomach. Raspberry infusion makes an excellent anti-inflammatory eyewash and a mouthwash or gargle for treating a sore throat, canker on the tongue, mouth ulcers, and/or bleeding gums.

Combinations: Use with Pipsissewa to treat and strengthen the genitourinary tract in both male and female and with Sage as a mouthwash or a gargle or with Eyebright as a tea for an eyewash. Combines well with Catnip, Fennel, and Red Clover for children’s ailments.

Affects on specific body types: This gentle tonic herb, which harmonizes digestion, normalizes bowel movement, reduces inflammation, and promotes tissue repair, is appropriate for all constitutional types. The renowned herbalist Dr. John Christopher talked at length about its use as a preventive, restorative tonic. He strongly recommend packing it with you on all voyages, domestic and foreign, and advised that all members of your travel party drink 1 cup a day to prevent illness and keep well throughout the journey. Raspberry leaf is mildly cool and drying; therefore, the Seer, whose constitution tends to be cold and dry, will do well to mix this plant with a warm and moistening herb such as Licorice, Slippery Elm, or Marshmallow root.

Preparations/dosage: Infusion: 1 cup three times a day. Tincture: 15 to  50 drops three times a day.

By James Green, Herbalist, copyright 2008

For more information please refer to James Green’s book, The Male Herbal, 2nd Edition